Catholic Schools: Faith in Every Child

Well, even the longest day can be lifted by a visit to kindergarten. Few things are more delightful than the laughter heard from the playground. The children in our school are filled with such promise, such potential. Along with them and their parents, our task is to help them develop and use their God-given gifts. We know that every child brings a unique, precious gift, if we have the eyes to see it. We also know that our mission is uniquely about the task of drawing these children deeper into our Catholic faith with an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ. In Catholic education, a Holy Cross education, we seek to educate hearts and minds and hands. Since 2003, the Congregation of Holy Cross has served at St. Adalbert Parish on South Bend’s west side. St. Adalbert, the Krakow parish and a home to Poles for almost one-hundred years, has seen a tremendous shift in its demographics as the neighborhood has become significantly Hispanic. As with many ethnic parishe...