If you care about Laudato Si', work for it

A recent article from the Associated Press bears the headline: "Minority of US Catholics Know Pope's Climate Views." Frankly, I am disturbed by the articles contents. After the initial tide of articles and comments and news reports, I am alarmed that so many Catholics, especially American Catholics, remain uninformed, unmoved, and uncommitted. Also alarming is how only 23% of Catholics said that they heard about it at mass. In other words, many of our priests are neither preaching about it nor lifting it up in one way or another.

The Associated Press explains that the encyclical Laudato Si' "had a rollout unlike any other." Pope Francis has done the heavy lifting. The rollout was unprecedented. He speaks of the encyclical at home (at the Vatican) and abroad (his visit to Latin America and, no doubt, during his upcoming visit to the U.S.), but, so far, few hearts and minds have been changed.

We need to do our part. It is not enough to leave it in the very strong hands of Pope Francis; every Catholic is called to not only know this teaching, but to live it. If we do not, we will miss a vital opportunity. If we do not, our Earth and we ourselves will pay a heavy price.

In a previous post, I have written about 50 Ideas for Making Laudato Si' Part of Parish Life.


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